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India knows a lot of languages: Angika, Assamese, Beary bashe, Bengali, Bodo, Chhattisgarhi, Dogri, Garhwali , Garo, Gujarati, Standard Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Khasi, Kodava Takk, Kokborok, Konkani, Kumaoni, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Mizo, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Rajasthani , Sanskrit , Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Tulu, Urdu
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Locale for Mizo
Mizo locale is nearly finish now. Here is the global.php locale for Mizo

Mizo Language Fileset
Produced by Nick Jones (Digitanium)

// Locale Settings
setlocale(LC_TIME, "en","GB"); // Linux Server (Windows may differ)
$locale['charset'] = "iso-8859-1";
$locale['xml_lang'] = "en";
$locale['tinymce'] = "en";
$locale['phpmailer'] = "en";

// Full & Short Months
$locale['months'] = " |January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December";
$locale['shortmonths'] = " |Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sept|Oct|Nov|Dec";

// Standard User Levels
$locale['user0'] = "Public";
$locale['user1'] = "Member";
$locale['user2'] = "Administrator";
$locale['user3'] = "Super Administrator";
$locale['user_na'] = "N/A";
$locale['user_anonymous'] = "Hmangtu Hriatloh";
// Standard User Status
$locale['status0'] = "Active";
$locale['status1'] = "Banned";
$locale['status2'] = "Unactivated";
$locale['status3'] = "Suspended";
$locale['status4'] = "Security Banned";
$locale['status5'] = "Canceled";
$locale['status6'] = "Anonymous";
$locale['status7'] = "Deactivated";
$locale['status8'] = "Inactive";
// Forum Moderator Level(s)
$locale['userf1'] = "Moderator";
// Navigation
$locale['global_001'] = "Kaihhruaina";
$locale['global_002'] = "No links defined\n";
// Users >betah hian a in ziahluh theih e.";
$locale['global_106'] = "Thuruk theihnghilh tan
Hetah hian a thar a dil theih.";
$locale['global_107'] = "Inziahluhna";
$locale['global_108'] = "Thuruk theihnghilh";
// Member User Menu
$locale['global_120'] = "Profile siamthat na";
$locale['global_121'] = "Private Messages";
$locale['global_122'] = "Members te";
$locale['global_123'] = "Enkawlna Bawm";
$locale['global_124'] = "Chhuahna";
$locale['global_125'] = "You have %u new ";
$locale['global_126'] = "message";
$locale['global_127'] = "messages";
$locale['global_128'] = "submission";
$locale['global_129'] = "submissions";
// Poll
$locale['global_130'] = "Member Poll";
$locale['global_131'] = "Submit Vote";
$locale['global_132'] = "You must login to vote.";
$locale['global_133'] = "Vote";
$locale['global_134'] = "Votes";
$locale['global_135'] = "Votes: ";
$locale['global_136'] = "Started: ";
$locale['global_137'] = "Ended: ";
$locale['global_138'] = "Polls Archive";
$locale['global_139'] = "Select a Poll to view from the list:";
$locale['global_140'] = "View";
$locale['global_141'] = "View Poll";
$locale['global_142'] = "There are no polls defined.";

// Captcha
$locale['global_150'] = "Validation Code:";
$locale['global_151'] = "Enter Validation Code:";

// Footer Counter
$locale['global_170'] = "unique visit";
$locale['global_171'] = "unique visits";
$locale['global_172'] = "Render time: %s seconds";
$locale['global_173'] = "Queries";
// Admin Navigation
$locale['global_180'] = "Admin Home";
$locale['global_181'] = "Return to Site";
$locale['global_182'] = "Notice: Admin Password not entered or incorrect.";
// Miscellaneous
$locale['global_190'] = "Maintenance Mode Activated";
$locale['global_191'] = "Your IP address is currently blacklisted.";
$locale['global_192'] = "Your user cookie has expired. Please log in again to proceed.";
$locale['global_193'] = "Could not set user cookie. Please make sure you have cookies enabled to be able to log in properly.";
$locale['global_194'] = "This account is currently suspended.";
$locale['global_195'] = "This account has not been activated.";
$locale['global_196'] = "Hmangtu Hming leh Thuruk a diklo.";
$locale['global_197'] = "Please wait while we transfer you...

[ Or click here if you do not wish to wait ]";
$locale['global_198'] = "Warning: setup.php detected, please delete it immediately.";
$locale['global_199'] = "Warning: admin password not set, click Edit Profile to set it.";
$locale['global_200'] = " - ";
$locale['global_201'] = ": ";
$locale['global_202'] = $locale['global_200']."Zawnna";
$locale['global_203'] = $locale['global_200']."FAQ";
$locale['global_204'] = $locale['global_200']."Sawihona";
$locale['global_210'] = "Skip to content";
// No themes found
$locale['global_300'] = "no theme found";
$locale['global_301'] = "We are really sorry but this page cannot be displayed. Due to some circumstances no site theme can be found. If you are a Site Administrator, please use your FTP client to upload any theme designed for PHP-Fusion v7 to the themes/ folder. After upload check in Main Settings to see if the selected theme was correctly uploaded to your themes/ directory. Please note that the uploaded theme folder has to have the exact same name (including character case, which is important on Unix based servers) as chosen in Main Settings page.

If you are regular member of this site, please contact the site\'s administrator via ".hide_email($settings['siteemail'])." e-mail and report this issue.";
$locale['global_302'] = "The Theme chosen in Main Settings does not exist or is incomplete!";
// JavaScript Not Enabled
$locale['global_303'] = "Oh no! Where's the JavaScript?
Your Web browser does not have JavaScript enabled or does not support JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript on your Web browser to properly view this Web site,
or upgrade to a Web browser that does support JavaScript; Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome or a version of Internet Explorer newer then version 6.";
// User Management
// Member status
$locale['global_400'] = "suspended";
$locale['global_401'] = "banned";
$locale['global_402'] = "deactivated";
$locale['global_403'] = "account terminated";
$locale['global_404'] = "account anonymised";
$locale['global_405'] = "anonymous user";
$locale['global_406'] = "This account has been banned for the following reason:";
$locale['global_407'] = "This account has been suspended until ";
$locale['global_408'] = " for the following reason:";
$locale['global_409'] = "This account has been banned for security reasons.";
$locale['global_410'] = "The reason for this is: ";
$locale['global_411'] = "This account has been cancelled.";
$locale['global_412'] = "This account has been anonymized, probably becuase of inactivity.";
// Banning due to flooding
$locale['global_440'] = "Automatic Ban by Flood Control";
$locale['global_441'] = "Your account on ".$settings['sitename']."has been banned";
$locale['global_442'] = "Hello [USER_NAME],\n
Your account on ".$settings['sitename']." was caught posting too many items to the system in very short time from the IP ".USER_IP.", and have therefor been banned. This is done to prevent bots from submitting spam messages in rapid succession.\n
Please contact the site administrator at ".$settings['siteemail']." to have your account restored or report if this was not you causing this security ban.\n
// Lifting of suspension
$locale['global_450'] = "Suspension automatically lifted by system";
$locale['global_451'] = "Suspension lifted at ".$settings['sitename']
$locale['global_452'] = "Hello USER_NAME,\n
The suspension of your account at ".$settings['siteurl']." has been lifted. Here are your login details:\n
Username: USER_NAME
Password: Hidden for security reasons\n
If you have forgot your password you can reset it via the following link: LOST_PASSWORD\n\n
$locale['global_453'] = "Hello USER_NAME,\n
The suspension of your account at ".$settings['siteurl']." has been lifted.\n\n
$locale['global_454'] = "Account reactivated at ".$settings['sitename']
$locale['global_455'] = "Hello USER_NAME,\n
Last time you logged in your account was reactivated at ".$settings['siteurl']." and your account is no longer marked as inactive.\n\n
// Function parsebytesize()
$locale['global_460'] = "Empty";
$locale['global_461'] = "Bytes";
$locale['global_462'] = "kB";
$locale['global_463'] = "MB";
$locale['global_464'] = "GB";
$locale['global_465'] = "TB";
//Safe Redirect
$locale['global_500'] = "You are being redirected to %s, please wait. If you're not redirected, click here.";

// Captcha Locales
$locale['global_600'] = "Validation Code";
$locale['recaptcha'] = "en";

$locale['global_900'] = "Unable to convert HEX to DEC";

You can make Mizo folder inside locale folder, open Mizo folder and make global.php file and paste this code.
Edited by Creator on 05-01-2013 16:25
I will add this a.s.a.p.
I foresee 1 problem, you use iso-8859-1 where this site is using utf-8.
This could render minor text issues with special characters.

Is Mizo using the european characters? I thought it would look more like Hindi.

Download source  GeSHi: PHP
  2. // Locale Settings
  3. setlocale(LC_TIME, "hi_IN"); // For Hindi
  4. $locale['charset'] = "utf-8";
  5. $locale['xml_lang'] = "hi";
  6. $locale['tinymce'] = "hi";
  7. $locale['phpmailer'] = "hi";
  9. // Full & Short Months
  10. $locale['months'] = "&nbsp|जनवरी|फरवरी|मार्च|अप्रैल|मई|जून|जुलाई|अगस्त|सितंबर|अक्टूबर|नवंबर|दिसंबर";
  11. $locale['shortmonths'] = "&nbsp|जनवरी|फरवरी|मार्च|अप्रैल|मई|जून|जुलाई|अगस्त|सितंबर|अक्टूबर|नवंबर|दिसंबर";
  13. // Standard User Levels
  14. $locale['user0'] = "सार्वजनिक";
  15. $locale['user1'] = "सदस्य";
  16. $locale['user2'] = "व्यवस्थापक";
  17. $locale['user3'] = "प्रशासक";
  18. $locale['user_na'] = "उपलब्ध नहीं";
  19. $locale['user_anonymous'] = "गुमनाम उपयोगकर्ता";
Parsed in 0.024 seconds, using GeSHi

Yes, Mizo's use many european characters.
Mizo locale set added to the site.
I still have to mod some panel to show the correct locale.
But in general it is working.

Thanks for the Mizo locale! :D

I have added for you;

Download source  GeSHi: PHP
  1. /*
  2. Mizo Language Fileset by: Samuel
  3. Web:
  4. Produced by Nick Jones (Digitanium)
  5. Email:
  6. Web:
  7. */
Parsed in 0.008 seconds, using GeSHi

And changed to utf-8 (otherwise displaying on this site will be corrupt)
Edited by Wanabo on 22-12-2012 17:19
Can you give me the translation for
  1. Language Switcher
  2. Shoutbox
  3. Last seen users

Added a database table for Mizo navigation panel (sitelinks) as well!
But it needs translation.

  1. Home
  3. FAQ
  4. pHp-Fusion Forum
  5. Web Links
  6. Rules
  7. Privacy
  8. Contact Me
  9. Search
  10. Advanced Search
  11. Submit Link
  12. Submit News
  13. Submit Download
  14. Submit Article

Edited by Wanabo on 22-12-2012 18:11


Wanabo wrote:

Can you give me the translation for
  1. Language Switcher
  2. Shoutbox
  3. Last seen users

Added a database table for Mizo navigation panel (sitelinks) as well!
But it needs translation.

  1. Home
  3. FAQ
  4. pHp-Fusion Forum
  5. Web Links
  6. Rules
  7. Privacy
  8. Contact Me
  9. Search
  10. Advanced Search
  11. Submit Link
  12. Submit News
  13. Submit Download
  14. Submit Article

pHp-Fusion Forum= PHP-FUSION Sawihona
Web Links=Web Links
Rules=Dan leh Hrai
Contact Me=Min be rawh
Advanced Search=Zanna changkang
Submit Link=Link Thehluhna
Submit News=News Thehluhna
Submit Download=Downloads Thehluhna
Submit Article=Article Thehluhna

Language Switcher= Tawng thlakna
Shoutbox=Tlangau bawm
Last seen users=Hmang hnuhnung ber
Great! All ready added!

I will make a new forum for locale. India has a lot of different languages.

I will publish my modifications to make the language switcher to work with database tables and locale files from infusions.
One typo here
Change Zanna Changkang to Zawnna changkang.

Another translation
Translate - Letling
Shout - Au
Navigation - Kaihhruaina
Nice to meet another East Indian friend... A Warm Hello from New Delhi Wink

I had another friend from Aizawl, Mizoram, India... His username is L0nelyc0wb0y...

I really apologize to you and to Wanabo for not being available here and not managing the website.

I had been working on the SEO part of PF and it took a lot of time to implement the best ideas in that. Also, studies made it more hard to find time for other things. Currently, I am going through semester exams.
I assure you that I will be completing the Hindi Locale immediately after I am done with SEO and Permalinks in PF. We will be providing much easier and better way to serve locales.

Till then, Warm wishes of a Happy New Year 2013 to you and your family... Smile

Be What you want to be...Wink
We're glad to have this in our own language MIZO..its the first time for us.. Thanks to all SEO..
Fabian attached the following image:
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