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[MOD]Removing Error Log
Everytime when there is error at your code, error message is displayed at page footer for site administrator.(WARNING: An error occurred while parsing the page. Please see PHP-Fusion's error log for more details.). If you want to remove/hide this error message, Goto Themes>Templates and open footer.php, find and remove this code:
Download source  GeSHi: PHP
  1. // Error handling
  2. if (iADMIN && checkrights("ERRO") && count($_errorHandler) > 0) {
  3. echo "<div class='admin-message'>".str_replace("[ERROR_LOG_URL]", ADMIN."errors.php".$aidlink, $locale['err_101'])."</div>\n";
  4. }
Parsed in 0.020 seconds, using GeSHi
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