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Error in Localhost (SQL)
Edited by Ankur : (Please Post on behalf of all Members, Not a Single Member Cool )

Dear Members,

Yesterday, I loaded Joomla 1.6 on my computer in Bank and it was fine. I was running Both Joomla 1.6 and PHP Fusion on my PC. But when I tried the same in my home PC, I loaded the Joomla 1.6 and in one option, remove backup I clicked yes. The Joomla 1.6 was installed successfully but now PHP Fusion is not working. When I enter the address, the following message appears :-

Unable to establish connection to MySQL
1044 : Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'fusion'

I may add here that in my SQL PHP Myadmin, the directory Fusion still exists but don't know how to rectify it and what to do. Kindly guide me.
Edited by Ankur on 09-03-2011 12:15
It seems there is no connection with the database. Did you accidentally removed config.php?

Can you restore your PHP-Fusion Files?
All the files are in C:\XAMPS\htdocs\Fusion files and also the fusion database file is in PHP My admin. The only thing now I created is I have given a password in my PHP Myadmin i.e. user name = root and password = root. But before it perhaps there was no password.
Find your config.php and back it up first!!!

I'm not sure how a local install works with a database but you can try this.

Check for these entries and alter them accordingly:

Again make sure you back up config.php first!!

Thankssssssssssss, a lot. Yes there was no password in $db_pass and I just put the root and the site is working now. Thanks aaaaaaaaaaaa lot.
Glad you got PHP-Fusion up and running again!
Please always post on the behalf of Members, not to a single person. You can see yourself that this time Wanabo helped you... So not always me... Wink

Well, Good that your Fusion on Local is running OK now...... Smile
Be What you want to be...Wink
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